I have been a part of some unique weddings and experiences and this past weekend’s wedding was one to add to the list. Before just two weeks ago, I had no idea who this couple was! This entire process was assembled in such a short amount that I was simply amazed at how beautiful things turned out in the end!
Do you remember Katrina in an earlier post? Well this is her on her wedding day – simply an amazing couple.
You can definately look in Katrina’s face that she’s very relaxed and coinfident about this special day! Her smile lasted the entire evening and you can see why.
I love her smile as she shows off her ring. The flower arrangement was especially beautiful in style and in color!
Let’s not leave out the groom. Ivon took things in stride and himself was very relaxed and confident about the day. the colors looked really sharp against his skin tone.
Here is the lucky Ivon sporting the wedding ring that is to symobolize their union together.
They’re married! This was a quick image taken immediately after the happy couple said “I do.”
It’s all in the details. This was one of the more surprising parts of the day since everything had such a late start(compared to weddings planned a year or two in advance). The details really set this wedding to the top of it’s class!
This is what happens when the DJ plays “Wobble”! The dance floor all of a sudden get crowded with young and old for a great time on the dance floor!
The first dance is alwas one of my favorite photo opportunities.
This set has to be among my favorites of Katrina on the night!
Congrats to the happy couple and thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day!
Speechless! My Girl was soooo very beautiful that day. She is beautiful anyway but past that on her wedding day. Everything was perfect. I wish you guys many blessings and a whole lot of happy days :0) Love you guys!
I can’t believe this guy went through with it. Sorry I couldn’t make it (LMBO), but hey I did offer you 3 tickets to anywhere you wanted, including back to your hometown of Nigeria. Well, I guess you really love her so I gotta accept her now…
Okay all jokes aside I wish you the best. God bless you two, and remember I’m here when you need me.
The Pictures are georgous!! Congrats!!!!
Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Johnson